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Английский язык САФУ ТК 2017 Дмитриева - 5 вариант

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Стоимость готовой работы: 750 рублей

Английский язык САФУ ТК 2017 Дмитриева - 5 вариант - Артикул: 190203081436-05


Variant 5

Part 1

  1. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитив и переведите их, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении.


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Инфинитив» из грамматического справочника.

Our aim is to fulfill our work in time.

Наша цель  выполнить работу вовремя.

  1. Подлежащее.
  1. To dissolve this substance is difficult.
  2. To use atomic energy for peaceful purposes is the task of our scientists.
  3. It was necessary to develop a new method of cutting metals.
  1. Часть составного именного сказуемого.
  1. Our duty is to master this speciality.
  2. The task of this new hydroelectric power station is to supply energy to many industrial centres.
  1. Часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
  1. Heat energy can be easily produced by motion.
  2. They should supply this plant with machinery of good quality.
  1. Дополнение.
  1. The engineer was asked to design a transistor device which will regulate the temperature in the laboratory.
  2. The engineer hoped to use that new device for automatic measurements.
  1. Определение.
  1. Engineers must know the best and most economical materials to use.
  2. The substance to be tested must be wet.
  3. The problems to be discussed at the conference are connected with  future cosmic flights.
  4. The famous scientist Lebedev was the first to solve the problem of synthetic rubber.
  1. Обстоятельство.
  1. To perform this work you should have all the necessary equipment.
  2. I read the rule once more to understand it better.
  3. To launch rockets a new type of fuel was needed.
  4. Pete went to the stadium to see the football match.

  1. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитив, определите его форму и функцию. Предложения переведите.


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Инфинитив» из грамматического справочника.

1. I read the rule once more to understand it better. ( Indefinite Active, обстоятельство)

Я прочитал правило еще раз, чтобы понять его лучше.

2. The metal to be used in our experiment is to be hard. (Indefinite Passive, определение)

Металл, который будет использован (нужно, можно использовать) в нашем опыте,

должен быть твердым.

  1. The gas to be used must be purified.
  2. This gas is to be used in our experiment.
  3. To raise oil extraction the geologists have to drill deeper.
  4. To raise oil extraction is necessary.
  5. They hoped to be sent to the conference.
  6. The lab assistant was the last to leave the lab.
  7. It is necessary to increase the output of power.
  8. Your task is to become a good engineer.
  9. You must work hard to pass this exam.

  1. Образуйте различные формы причастий от следующих глаголов. (При заполнении таблицы воспользуйтесь таблицей «Формы причастий» из грамматического справочника).

to write

to begin

to open

to play

Participle I



Participle I



Participle I



Participle I



Participle II


  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции причастия I (Participle I).


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Причастие» из грамматического справочника.

Having passed a long way we were tired.

Пройдя длинный путь, мы устали.

  1. определение
  1. A neutron is a participle having the same mass as a proton but carrying no electrical charge.
  2. The text being translated by the student is very difficult.
  3. Generators producing electricity get their power from steam or water turbines.
  4. The object moving is an airplane.
  1. обстоятельство
  1. Doing many exercises we learn English grammar.
  2. When going home I met an old friend of mine.
  3. Being invited too late my friend could not come.
  4. While translating the article I didnt use the dictionary.
  5. Having finished the experiment, the engineer started a series of new tests..
  6. Having been subjected to high pressure metals become highly conductive.
  1. сказуемое
  1. The transmitter will be sending signals from 2 till 5 oclock.
  2. The designer has been working at this device for three months.

5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции причастия II (Participle II). (Задание выполняется также как и задание 4).

  1. определение
  1. Hydrogen is the lightest element known.
  2. Washed plate has broken to pieces.
  3. I have looked through the list of prices sent.
  1. обстоятельство
  1. When tested, the model broke down..
  2. Unless heated, this substance doesnt melt.
  1. сказуемое
  1. The signals were sent by the powerful transmitter.
  2. The builders will have constructed a twelve-storey house for the workers by the end of the year.

6. Найдите причастия в предложениях, выделите их, укажите их форму и функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык.


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Причастие» из грамматического справочника.

The letter written by my mother was lying on the table. (Participle II Passive,


Письмо, написанное моей мамой, лежало на столе.

  1. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms.
  2. Combining hydrogen with oxygen in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen we produce water.
  3. While burning different substances combine with oxygen.
  4. The solution is boiling.
  5. When required, the data will be applied in our practical work.
  6. Heated glass is plastic.
  7. The energy being produced is of great importance for our town.
  8. Being used in measuring the diffusion of the metals isotopes gave much more accurate data.
  9. Having used a laser beam scientists obtained accurate calculation of Jupiters temperature.

Part 2

1. Сопоставьте термины с их значениями и сделайте перевод. (Переведите и термин и определение)






A. The position in which welding is performed from the upper side of the joint and the face of the weld is approximately horizontal.


B.. A device used in gas welding and torch brazing for mixing and controlling the flow of gases.


C. A process in which the welding heat is obtained from a gas flame.


D. Metals which contain no iron. Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, lead, nickel, and titanium are nonferrous.


E. A process in which fusion is produced by heat obtained from resistance of the work to the flow of induced electric current, with or without the application of pressure.


F. A non-filler metal electrode used in arc welding or cutting, made principally of tungsten.


G. An electrode having a flux applied externally by dipping, spraying, painting, or other similar methods. Upon burning, the coat produces a gas which envelopes the arc.


H. The distance from the original surface of the base metal to that point at which fusion ceases in a welding operation.


I. The points, as shown in cross section, at which the bottom of the weld intersects the base metal surfaces.


J. An instrument for measuring electrical current in amperes by an indicator activated by the movement of a coil in a magnetic field or by the longitudinal expansion of a wire carrying the current.

2. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст “Arc Welding ”.


In arc welding the workpieces1 are not melted by a flame. They are melted by an electric arc. In order to create the arc, a powerful electric current must be provided.

The current must be at least 60 A, otherwise the arc will not create enough heat. For thicker workpieces, the current may be 250 A. In order to carry this current, the cables from the transformer should be quite thick or else they will overheat.

To supply the necessary current the transformer is used and to complete the electric circuit an earth clamp is used, which is attached to the workpiece. Then the current flows around the circuit and the arc appears. To strike the arc, the transformer should be switched on first.

The electrode holder contains an electrode rod which provides the filler metal2 to join the workpieces. As the current flows between the electrode and the workpiece, the tip3 of the electrode melts and falls onto the workpiece. While choosing an electrode type it is necessary to know:

a. Position to which the workpiece is to be welded.

b. Type and thickness of metal used.

c. Type of welding current.

d. Class of work: deep penetration4, surface quality, etc.

Notes on the text

  1. workpiece                        деталь
  2. filler metal                        присадочный металл
  3. tip                                рабочий конец электрода
  4. deep penetration                глубина проплавления

Источник: 190203081436-05
Категория: Курсовые, контрольные, задачи, тесты (Pt1) | Добавил: vrn-student (05.08.2019) | Автор: 750 W
Просмотров: 304
*Стоимость готовой работы: 750 рублей

*Срок обработки заказа от 5 минут до 24-х часов

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