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Английский язык САФУ ТК 2017 Дмитриева - 2 вариант

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Стоимость готовой работы: 750 рублей

Английский язык САФУ ТК 2017 Дмитриева - 2 вариант - Артикул: 190203081436-02


Variant 2

Part 1

  1. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитив и переведите их, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении.


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Инфинитив» из грамматического справочника.

Our aim is to fulfill our work in time.

Наша цель  выполнить работу вовремя.

  1. Подлежащее:
  1. To design new machine-tools is the task of a mechanical engineer.
  2. To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important.
  3. Its very difficult to drive a car in a big city.
  1. Часть составного именного сказуемого.
  1. Our task is to obtain a new mixture with new properties.
  2. The purpose of tension test is to determine the mechanical characteristics of a material.
  1. Часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
  1. The engineer must know the conditions under which the new material is to be utilized.
  2. The new apparatus was to control all the temperature changes during the experiment.
  1. Дополнение.
  1. The student was asked to measure the water level in the tube very accurately.
  2. He was happy to be working with the famous scientist.
  1. Определение.
  1. It is a chance not to be missed.
  2. The substance to be analysed should be pure.
  3. The material to be attacked by X-rays is placed on the screen.
  4. He was the first to speak again.
  1. Обстоятельство.
  1. To do well in the exam you should attend all the lectures.
  2. To prevent corrosion metal must be covered with paint..
  3. We stopped to have a smoke.
  4. I turned on the light to see what time it was.

  1. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитив, определите его форму и функцию. Предложения переведите.


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Инфинитив» из грамматического справочника.

1. I read the rule once more to understand it better. ( Indefinite Active, обстоятельство)

Я прочитал правило еще раз, чтобы понять его лучше.

2. The metal to be used in our experiment is to be hard. (Indefinite Passive, определение)

Металл, который будет использован (нужно, можно использовать) в нашем опыте,

должен быть твердым.

  1. The method to be employed in this case is rather complicated.
  2. This method is to be employed in our case.
  3. It is very important to determine the degree of radiation during a flight.
  4. Galileo was the first to observe sun spots with his Optic Tube in 1609.
  5. To detect broken parts in time is very important.
  6. His task was to complete the work in time.
  7. They were happy to take part in our expedition.
  8. To detect broken parts in time a new device was developed in our shop.
  9. He used his influence to get me a job.

  1. Образуйте различные формы причастий от следующих глаголов.  (При заполнении таблицы воспользуйтесь таблицей «Формы причастий» из грамматического справочника).

to contain

to teach

to give

to use

Participle I



Participle I



Participle I



Participle I



Participle II


  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции причастия I (participle I).


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Причастие» из грамматического справочника.

Having passed a long way we were tired.

Пройдя длинный путь, мы устали.

  1. определение
  1. A barometer is an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure.
  2. Metals being used in industry in the form of alloys have better properties than pure metals.
  3. The lab assistant making the experiment works in the evening.
  4. The boiling solution has neither colour nor odour.
  1. обстоятельство
  1. Working in the garden he found a gold ring.
  2. When working on my report I read a number of interesting articles.
  3. Being unemployed, he hasnt got much money.
  4. While crossing the road she dropped her phone.
  5. Having finished our work, we went home.
  6. Having been asked, he couldnt answer anything.
  1. сказуемое
  1. The power station is consuming great amount of coal.
  2. I had been working at the plant for two years before I entered the institute.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции причастия II (Participle II). (Задание выполняется также как и задание 4).
  1. определение
  1. The diagram shown above is very interesting.
  2. Passed kilometres were very difficult.
  3. I studied the book on physics written by our teacher.
  1. обстоятельство
  1. When frozen, water is a colourless solid.
  2. Metals do not melt until heated to a definite temperature.
  1. сказуемое
  1. Much coal is consumed by the power station.
  2. The idea of space flights has attracted the attention of the people since the remotest time.

  1. Найдите причастия в предложениях, выделите их, укажите их форму и функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык.


Для правильного выполнения данного задания изучите тему «Причастие» из грамматического справочника.

The letter written by my mother was lying on the table. (Participle II Passive,


Письмо, написанное моей мамой, лежало на столе.

  1. Testing the engine they found serious defects.
  2. Testing engines should be carried out on a special stand.
  3. The mechanic was testing the engine for a few hours.
  4. When heated, glass can be easily worked.
  5. The installation being utilized is very efficient.
  6. Being heated to a sufficient temperature semiconductors begin to conduct electricity.
  7. Having finished our work, we went home.
  8. Only one copy can be made.
  9. The results obtained were carefully studied.

Part 2

1.Сопоставьте термины с их значениями и сделайте перевод. (Переведите и термин и определение)






A. An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc between a metal electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained from an inert gas such as helium or argon. Pressure and/or filler metal may or my not be used.


B. An arc cutting process in which metals to be cut are melted by the heat of the carbon arc.


C. A device designed for checking the shape and size of welds.


D. A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of an L.


E. An arc welding process in which protection from the atmosphere is obtained through use of a flux, decomposition of the electrode covering, or an inert gas.


F. Any welding process or method in which pressure is used to complete the weld.


G. The metal particles expelled during arc and gas welding which do not form a part of the weld.


H. Metal to be added in making a weld.


I. That portion of a weld that has been melted during welding.


J. An arc welding process in which fusion is obtained by heating with an unshielded arc between a bare or lightly coated electrode and the work. Pressure is not used and filler metal is obtained from the electrode.

2. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст “ Types of Welding”.


Welding is a process of joining together metallic parts by heating the place of contact to the fusion state1.

Welding processes are classified according to the source of energy employed for heating, the metals and the state of the metal at the place of welding.

There are different types of welding such as hammer welding2, thermit welding3, electric arc welding, gas welding, etc.

Hammer welding is a process in which two heated metal parts are joined and fused together by force4 from a power hammer.

Thermit welding is a process consisting of a chemical reaction. It is used in repairing large sections such as rails, frames, etc.

In arc welding the workpieces5 are not melted by a flame. They are melted by an electric arc. In order to create the arc, a powerful electric current must be provided. The current must be at least 60A, otherwise the arc will not create enough heat.

In gas welding, it is necessary to use a mixture of two gases. To create a hot flame, a combustible gas must be mixed with oxygen.

Gas welding is normally used to join steel to steel.

Notes on the text

  1. fusion state                        расплавленное состояние
  2. hammer welding                кузнечная сварка
  3. thermit welding                        термитная сварка
  4. by force                        силой, посредством
  5. workpiece                        деталь

Источник: 190203081436-02
Категория: Курсовые, контрольные, задачи, тесты (Pt1) | Добавил: vrn-student (05.08.2019) | Автор: 750 W
Просмотров: 296
*Стоимость готовой работы: 750 рублей

*Срок обработки заказа от 5 минут до 24-х часов

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